Module ludis86

Udis86 C disassembler bindings for Lua.

"Udis86 is an easy-to-use, minimalistic disassembler library (libudis86) for the x86 class of instruction set architectures." This bindings were former part of Lua code injection framework: mmBBQ


The project contains a standard Makefile that is used to build shared Lua libraries for Windows and Linux. The contained C code part of the bindings can as well be integrated or hard-linked into a Lua project


The GitHub project site is: here

git clone

Makefile targets

make all
    # Build lib and doc

make doc
    # Just build the docs

make test
    # run 'test.lua'


-- initialize udis to a specific address
local ludis86 = require("ludis86")
ud = ludis86.init_addr_intel32(0x401000) -- your address here :D
-- disassemble and print instructions
while ud:dis() > 0 do
    print(string.format("+%04X %016s %016s", ud:off(), ud:hex(), ud:asm()))


2013 (c) by Michael Schmoock License: Free-BSD

C-Function API mapping

// Following code is taken from the file: ludis86.c
// API mapping
{ "ud_init", ud_init_C },
{ "ud_set_mode", ud_set_mode_C },
{ "ud_set_pc", ud_set_pc_C },
{ "ud_set_input_hook", ud_set_input_hook_C },
{ "ud_set_input_buffer", ud_set_input_buffer_C },
{ "ud_set_input_file", ud_set_input_file_C },
{ "ud_set_vendor", ud_set_vendor_C },
{ "ud_set_syntax", ud_set_syntax_C },
{ "ud_input_skip", ud_input_skip_C },
{ "ud_input_end", ud_input_end_C },
{ "ud_decode", ud_decode_C },
{ "ud_disassemble", ud_disassemble_C },
{ "ud_translate_intel", ud_translate_intel_C },
{ "ud_translate_att", ud_translate_att_C },
{ "ud_insn_asm", ud_insn_asm_C },
{ "ud_insn_ptr", ud_insn_ptr_C },
{ "ud_insn_off", ud_insn_off_C },
{ "ud_insn_hex", ud_insn_hex_C },
{ "ud_insn_len", ud_insn_len_C },
{ "ud_lookup_mnemonic", ud_lookup_mnemonic_C },

// shorthandles
{ "new",  ud_init },
{ "dis",  ud_disassemble_C },
{ "asm",  ud_insn_asm_C },
{ "off",  ud_insn_off_C },
{ "hex",  ud_insn_hex_C },
{ "skip", ud_input_skip_C },
{ "len",  ud_insn_len_C },
{ "ptr",  ud_insn_ptr_C },
{ "pc",   ud_set_pc_C },


init_file_intel32 (filename, offset, len, pc) initialiszes the disassembler to a file using intel syntax and 32bit.
init_file_intel64 (filename, offset, len, pc) initialiszes the disassembler to a file using intel syntax and 64bit.
print (ud) disassemble and printf anything
intel32 (ud) sets syntax to intel 32bit
intel64 (ud) sets syntax to intel 64bit
init_buf_intel32 (buf, len, pc) initializes the disassembler to a string buffer using intel syntax and 32bit.
init_buf_intel64 (buf, len, pc) initializes the disassembler to a string buffer using intel syntax and 64bit.
init_addr_intel32 (addr, len) initializes the disassembler to an address using intel syntax and 32bit.
init_addr_intel64 (addr, len) initializes the disassembler to an address using intel syntax and 64bit.


init_file_intel32 (filename, offset, len, pc)
initialiszes the disassembler to a file using intel syntax and 32bit.


  • filename the path to an assembly file
  • offset OPTIONAL the offset where to start disassembly
  • len OPTIONAL the number if bytes to disassemlbe
  • pc OPTIONAL the programm counter to use
init_file_intel64 (filename, offset, len, pc)
initialiszes the disassembler to a file using intel syntax and 64bit.


  • filename the path to an assembly file
  • offset OPTIONAL the offset where to start disassembly
  • len OPTIONAL the number if bytes to disassemlbe
  • pc OPTIONAL the programm counter to use
print (ud)
disassemble and printf anything


  • ud initialized udis86 object
intel32 (ud)
sets syntax to intel 32bit


  • ud initialized udis86 object
intel64 (ud)
sets syntax to intel 64bit


  • ud initialized udis86 object
init_buf_intel32 (buf, len, pc)
initializes the disassembler to a string buffer using intel syntax and 32bit.


  • buf the string buffer
  • len OPTIONAL the length to use. max and default: #buf
  • pc OPTIONAL the programm counter to use
init_buf_intel64 (buf, len, pc)
initializes the disassembler to a string buffer using intel syntax and 64bit.


  • buf the string buffer
  • len OPTIONAL the length to use. max and default: #buf
  • pc OPTIONAL the programm counter to use
init_addr_intel32 (addr, len)
initializes the disassembler to an address using intel syntax and 32bit.


  • addr the address to disassemble. can be userdata cdata or number
  • len OPTIONAL the maximum number of bytes to read
init_addr_intel64 (addr, len)
initializes the disassembler to an address using intel syntax and 64bit.


  • addr the address to disassemble. can be userdata cdata or number
  • len OPTIONAL the maximum number of bytes to read
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2018-11-23 01:23:48